**The Darkening: Episode 2**
{{ the_darkening_episode_2:darken2_titlepic.png?480x360}}
|Doom II|
|Vanilla Doom|
**The Darkening 2** is a 12-level **vanilla** megawad project which utilizes original textures made in the style of Quake II. Looks and plays similarly to [[eviternity|Eviternity]]'s first tech base episode, also includes 12 separate deathmatch maps.
[[https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/?id=10782 | External Download]]\\
{{the_darkening_episode_2:darken2.zip | Download The Darkening E2 Here}}
{{tag> all 2000 long_maps cooperative deathmatch vanilla original_soundtrack pistol_start dark2tex afterglow ben_davies bhadtrip capellan lee_szymanski nightmare richard_wiles swedish_fish ukiro top_100_wads_of_all_time}}