\\ ;#; **Star Trek Doom Project** ;#; \\ {{ star_trek_doom_project:stdoom_titlepic.png?480x360}} ^Authorship| |Blake| ^Year| |2016| ^IWAD| |Doom II| ^Port| |ZDoom| ^Mapcount| |4| {{star_trek_doom_project:screenshot13.png?113x85}} {{star_trek_doom_project:screenshot23.png?113x85}} {{star_trek_doom_project:screenshot17.png?113x85}} #;; The year is 2371, and the Enterprise-D is in its seventh year of service (between Season 7 & Generations film). You play a young junior Lieutenant sent out to test upgrades on a shuttlecraft when a futuristic Borg cube emerges from a temporal portal, launching a devastating attack on the Enterprise.\\ \\ The project originally started in 1997 and had a new demo release in 2016. #;; \\ [[https://www.moddb.com/mods/star-trek-doom-project | External Download]]\\ \\ {{star_trek_doom_project:stdoommidi_0_4.zip | Download Star Trek Doom Project Here}} \\ {{tag> all 2016 solo_effort zdoom gzdoom acs decorate custom_weapons custom_monsters total_conversion blake star_trek}} ~~DISCUSSION~~