{{ obituary:obituary.png?480x360}}
|The Innocent Crew|
|Doom II|
|Vanilla Doom|
//The attached archive includes updated version of the wad, made to work with the modern source ports//.\\
**Obituary** is a 17-level **vanilla** megawad by {{tagpage>thomas_moller&dynamic|Thomas}} and {{tagpage>denis_moller&dynamic|Denis Möller}} brothers of {{tagpage>the_innocent_crew&dynamic|The Innocent Crew}}. Echoes of its extensive DeHackEd modifications resound far in the most of [[heartland|highly acclaimed modern releases]], once serving as a big inspiration.
[[https://dsdarchive.com/files/wads/doom2/2140/obtic11.zip | External Download]]\\
{{obituary:obtic11.zip | Download Obituary Here}}
{{tag>all 1995 megawad cooperative deathmatch duo_effort vanilla dehacked custom_weapons custom_monsters partial_conversion pistol_start denis_moller thomas_moller the_innocent_crew top_100_wads_of_all_time}}