**Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders**
{{ heretic:heretic_titlepic.png?480x360}}
|Raven Software|
|1994 (1996)|
|Vanilla Heretic|
|27 (45)|
The original "Doom Clone". Adds an inventory system, 3d collision for monsters and decorations, a slightly redundant bestiary, surprisingly competent level design, cool bosses, walls that can scroll right and more!\\
In 1996 'Shadow of the Serpent Riders' expansion was released with additional 2 episodes.
[[https://www.gog.com/en/game/heretic_hexen_collection | Buy on GOG]]\\
[[https://store.steampowered.com/app/2390/Heretic_Shadow_of_the_Serpent_Riders/ | Buy on Steam]]
{{tag> all 1994 iwad heretic megawad episodic cooperative deathmatch vanilla eric_beissman john_romero michael_raymond-judy tim_moore}}