**Chex Quest 3**
{{ chex_quest_3:chex3_titlepic.png?480x360}}
|Charles Jacobi|
Send flemoids back to their home planet using zorch-powered house appliances such as a spoon, various TV remotes and other gadgets. Three episodes containing 15 levels overall, start in Bazoik, reach Earth, and find the source of all the flemoids.
[[http://www.chucktropolis.com/downloads/ChexQuest3.zip | External Download]]\\
{{chex_quest_3:chexquest3.zip | Download Chex Quest 3 Here}}
{{tag> all 2008 iwad chex megawad episodic cooperative deathmatch solo_effort zdoom acs decorate custom_weapons custom_monsters total_conversion charles_jacobi cacoward}}