\\ ;#; **Ad Mortem** ;#; \\ {{ admortem:admortemtitlepic.png?480x360}} ^Authorship| |4chan| ^Year| |2023| ^IWAD| |Doom II| ^Port| |MBF21-compatible| ^Mapcount| |34| {{admortem:admortem1.png?113x85}} {{admortem:admortem2.png?113x85}} {{admortem:admortem3.png?113x85}} #;; **Ad Mortem** is a /vr/ boards' own halloween-themed partial conversion led by {{tagpage>vaeros&dynamic|Vaeros}}, featuring a great variety of audio-visual assets among some spooky new maps and encounters. Sophisticated arsenal, ranging from antique firearms of bleak conflicts past to ornate occult weapons, is there to assist you striking terror back into the treacherous mass of its lurking horrors. #;; \\ [[https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/3exnqm8nxg4gukhj10hcp/AdMortem_1.5.6.zip?rlkey=r5nwzu32pfh2dtefpbjy2p49b&dl=1|External | External Download]]\\ \\ {{admortem:admortem_1.5.6.zip | Download Ad Mortem Here}} \\ {{tag> all 2021 megawad long_maps deathmatch community_project mbf21 decorate dehacked umapinfo custom_weapons custom_monsters custom_palette partial_conversion pistol_start horror work_in_progress halloween_theme gothictx otex a2rob african_equus-sapien aso3000 bartekmil captain_mozzarella chopblock223 coffee_achiever donk_konk enragedeggplant guywithteacup hand-peeled joe-ilya lunchlunch nepnep punch_you_in_the_face_man rancid_sam sitri velcrosasquatch violentbeetle washing_machine_enthusiasts wolpertinger 4chan cacoward_runner-up}} ~~DISCUSSION~~