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Comatose : Mowed

Comatose is a gigantic and sprawling Boom format map by Lainos, as part of his Sacrament series. Lainos is known for his sprawling and detailed levels, but Comatose is SO sprawling and detailed that with ports like GzDoom, there are serious slowdowns a lot of the time.

This variant of Comatose was made by an Anonymous user on /vr/, who added more visplane blocking and removed a huge amount of the decorative grass which coats much of the level (thus the name and titlescreen). The result is slightly less impressive visuals, but dramatically improved performance. The level is still very cool and very spooky.

For any further information about Comatose, see its DoomWiki article:


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comatose_mowed.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/17 03:35 by A User Not Logged in