\\ ;#; **The Red Line** ;#; \\ {{ the_red_line:redline.png?480x360}} ^Authorship| |Didy| ^Year| |2017| ^IWAD| |Doom II| ^Port| |Limit-removing| ^Mapcount| |9| {{the_red_line:redline_map01.png?113x85}} {{the_red_line:redline_map04.png?113x85}} {{the_red_line:redline_map06.png?113x85}} #;; **The Red Line** is a 9-level **limit-removing** episode by {{tagpage>didy&dynamic|Didy}}. By following the concept, first half of the set starts pretty gimmicky but turns to more familiar Doom kind of deal on second. #;; \\ [[https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/?id=18706 | External Download]]\\ \\ {{the_red_line:redline.zip | Download The Red Line Here}} ;#; [[http://clovr.xyz/doomretro|{{tryit.png}}]] ;#; \\ {{tag> all 2017 long_maps solo_effort limit_removing dehacked pistol_start gimmick didy}} ~~DISCUSSION~~