\\ ;#; **Mutiny** ;#; \\ {{ mutiny:mutiny.png?480x360}} ^Authorship| |Various| ^Year| |2016| ^IWAD| |Doom II| ^Port| |Limit-removing| ^Mapcount| |16| {{mutiny:mutiny_map10.png?113x85}} {{mutiny:mutiny_map08.png?113x85}} {{mutiny:mutiny_map13.png?113x85}} #;; **Mutiny** is a cyberpunk 16-level **limit-removing** megawad project led by {{tagpage>40oz&dynamic|Jon (40oz) Vail}} and in part inspired by older classics such as [[strain|STRAIN]], [[hacx|HacX]], [[nimrod|Nimrod]], [[dystopia_3|Dystopia 3]] and [[perdition_s_gate|Perdition's Gate]]. Texture work is varied and colorful in the liking of {{tagpage>fingers&dynamic|Iika (Fingers) Keränen}}'s and {{tagpage>adelusion&dynamic|Anthon (Adelusion) Czerwonka}}'s past works.\\ \\ Notable is the enforced requirement of levels being made by means of collaboration, with only three exceptions ending up being solo efforts. Some levels also contain separate deathmatch arenas. #;; \\ [[https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/?id=18564 | External Download]]\\ \\ {{mutiny:mutiny.zip | Download Mutiny Here}} \\ ;#; [[http://clovr.xyz/doomretro|{{tryit.png}}]] ;#; \\ {{tag> all 2016 megawad long_maps cooperative deathmatch community_project limit_removing dehacked partial_conversion original_soundtrack pistol_start slaughter 40oz ad_79 angry_saint breezeep corsair doomkid dt_ egregor fonze impboy jimmy jmickle joe-ilya mrglide noneellama pavera pinchy purist ribbiks scifista42 tarnsman traversd velvetic cacoward}} ~~DISCUSSION~~