\\ ;#; **ERASER** ;#; \\ {{ eraser:nugg0023.png?480x360}} ^Authorship| |Matt Eldridge| ^Year| |2024| ^IWAD| |Doom II| ^Port| |Boom-compatible| ^Mapcount| |1| {{eraser:nugg0026.png?113x85}} {{eraser:nugg0014.png?113x85}} {{eraser:nugg0029.png?113x85}} #;; Main focus of **Eraser** is survival horror gameplay with exploration, by setting the player loose with low health and almost no ammo through a massive artificial hellscape, inspired by the likes of: **Blame!**'s megastructure, **Control**'s oldest house and M.C. Escher's drawings. Things eventually escalate into more familiar Doom-style combat.\\ \\ //Includes a custom arsenal, custom monsters and ambient sounds. Has two endings, with the true ending requiring 3 secrets to be accessed. Expected playtime is upwards of an hour for first runs, but could be maxed approximately in 55 minutes if you're familiar with it.// #;; \\ [[https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/87fo3lzm0ubf3atzvm72n/ERASER-V3.rar?rlkey=al83jx7srk0rbv1ccvdh3qxy8&st=cargnxfz&dl=1 | External Download]]\\ \\ {{eraser:eraser.zip | Download ERASER Here}} \\ ;#; [[http://clovr.xyz/doomretro|{{tryit.png}}]] ;#; \\ {{tag> all 2024 single_level long_maps solo_effort boom dehacked musinfo custom_weapons custom_monsters custom_palette partial_conversion ammo_starvation horror nonlinear ashtralfiend matt_eldridge skelegant}} ~~DISCUSSION~~