\\ ;#; **Endquest** ;#; \\ {{ endquest:endquest_e1m1.png?480x360}} ^Authorship| |Various| ^Year| |2022| ^IWAD| |Heretic| ^Port| |Limit-removing| ^Mapcount| |10| {{endquest:endquest_e1m4.png?113x85}} {{endquest:endquest_e1m5.png?113x85}} {{endquest:endquest_e1m7.png?113x85}} #;; **Endquest** is an episode 1 replacement for Heretic made by {{tagpage>egregor&dynamic|Egregor}}, {{tagpage>vordakk&dynamic|Vordakk}} (aka Stormwalker) and {{tagpage>deathevokation &dynamic|DeathevokatioN}}. It was designed to feel like an entire Heretic megawad crammed into an epic single episode! It has been lovingly crafted, is dripping with detail, and has been meticulously balanced and tested.\\ \\ **Footnote**: several maps break in Crispy Heretic, so stick with the Z-ports. #;; \\ [[https://doomshack.org/uploads/endquest.zip | External Download]]\\ \\ {{endquest:endquest.zip | Download Endquest Here}} \\ {{tag> all 2022 heretic episode_replacement limit_removing wand_start archival egregor deathevokation vordakk}} ~~DISCUSSION~~